Airport Runway De-Icing Sprayer
Breezy Point Airport has a new Airport Runway De-Icing Sprayer to keep the runway clear in the winter months. The airport uses the FAA-approved Aqua Hawk KA-50 De-Icing solution. It’s a liquid potassium acetate based deicing solutions that provides reliable anti-icing and deicing performance while minimizing the environmental impact of chloride, urea-nitrogen and/or glycol based formulations. KA-50 meets FAA-approved specifications to be used on airport taxiways and runways.
Always contact Airport Manager Cliff Muller for an updated report of runway conditions: BPA Contact Page
Aero Club Seven at Breezy Point Airport
You may see some new faces and activity around Muller Field as Aero Club Seven is a newly formed flying club that is based out of Breezy Point. The club consists of pilot members Jeff and Lindsay Balmer, Matt Balmer, Jon Fogarty, Scott Nickelson, Vic Peterson, Reid Price and Eli Zenner, all local Brainerd Lakes Area residents.
The members initially joined together in an effort to making flying affordable for all by sharing the cost of operating the aircraft in a club setting, and since the formation have enjoyed many of the social benefits of flying in a club setting! The Club owns and operates a Cessna 172 and has recently purchased and renovated the Roger Woodruff hangar on the field, which bears the club name. AC7 will operate as a not-for-profit entity as a social and recreational organization that will focus on promoting the fellowship of members and fellow pilots through a common interest in aviation. Aero Club Seven hopes to host social gatherings to share aviation experiences and knowledge and will promote its members to maintain and improve their aviation skills and safe aircraft operating practices through flying regularly and hosting occasional safety seminars. If you see activity down at the new Aero Club Seven hangar, please stop by and say hello!!
What’s Unique About Breezy Point? The Airport’s Aviation Days
The good people over at Sourcewell Technology put together an awesome video about the city of Breezy Point and all the wonderful people, sights and events that make it so wonderful; That includes Breezy Point Airport.
Noting the private airstrip that runs over 3200 feet in length, the video also mentions the Breezy Point Aviation Days event during which children can experience the wonder of their first flight completely free of charge.
Breezy Point Airport Honors Current Airport Manager With Name Change
Breezy Point Airport held its 5th annual Aviation Days over the weekend, and at the event, the airport’s board of directors announced a name change to the airfield.
Breezy Point Airport’s Board of Directors announced that the airport will now be called Breezy Point Airport Muller Field in honor of the airport’s current manager, Clifford Muller.
Since taking over in 2001, Muller has made great improvements to the airport’s runways, security, and has added numerous hangar homes. Muller is also a veteran who served in Vietnam as an airborne infantry member from 1965 until 1967.
“I’m honored and I appreciate all the work that went into making all this happen,” Muller said. “I just want to thank everyone for coming, I appreciate it so much to see everyone out having fun…it’s a family day.”
Breezy Point Airport Muller Field is the first airport since 1949 to be named after a veteran.
This article and video can be found on the Lakeland PBS website.
Breezy Point Airport Renamed in Historic Surprise Announcement
Today marked a historic moment at the Breezy Point Airport in the City of Breezy Point Minnesota. Not since 1949 has such a moment occurred. Executives of the airfield renamed the airport, which has been at the city’s center since the early 1920’s, after longtime airport manager and Vietnam Veteran Cliff Muller. Muller has lived on the field for 20 years and has spent the last two decades caring for and managing the field. A Vietnam veteran from the 1/12th Cavalry of the Army, a Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Air Medal recipient Muller was drawn to Breezy Point and the airport through his love for flying and dedication to the industry. Cliff currently lives on the airport’s edges in a refurbished hangar and spends his time tending to the property while fueling his love for aviation. An airborne infantryman, dedicated pilot and historian of military plans and memorabilia, Muller has refurbished a WWII Stinson 10-A airplane called a L-9B that was built in 1941 and then rebuilt in 2011.
“His service to country and the tremendous efforts he has put towards this airport are the catalyst to this significant renaming,” said Jeff Smith, President Breezy Point Airport at Muller Field. “Cliff has been the mainstay of this airport for two decades, we already knew it was Muller field, we just needed to make it official”
Not since O’Hare airport was renamed in 1949 after Butch O’Hare a WWII veteran, has an airport been named after a military serviceman.
“I am honored and totally surprised at this honor, I appreciate it and know that it couldn’t’ have been possible without the communities support over the past years,” said Cliff Muller.
Breezy Point Airport has a rich 55-year history. Farmland purchased in 1964 by the Breezy Point Resort eventually became a unique part of Breezy Point, Minnesota when it was developed into a strip of farm land that became a 2,600-foot lighted airstrip. Today marked the fifth annual Airport Days at Breezy Point where hundreds of people enjoyed an airshow, aircraft displays, emergency vehicle and medi-Vac helicopter, car collector show and more.
This article can be found on the Aviation Pros website.
Minnesota’s Breezy Point Airport Renamed in Historic Surprise Announcement
May 4, 2019 marked a historic moment at the Breezy Point Airport in the City of Breezy Point Minnesota. Executives of the airfield renamed the airport, which has been at the city’s center since the early 1920’s, after longtime airport manager and Vietnam Veteran Cliff Muller. Muller has lived on the field for 20 years and has spent the last two decades caring for and managing the field.
A Vietnam veteran with the 1st Airborne, a Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Air Medal recipient, Muller was drawn to Breezy Point and the airport through his love for flying and dedication to the industry. Muller currently lives on the airport’s edges in a refurbished hangar and spends his time tending to the property while fueling his love for aviation. An airborne infantryman, dedicated pilot and historian of military plans and memorabilia, Muller has refurbished a WWII Stinson 10-A airplane called a L-9B that was built in 1941 and then rebuilt in 2011.
“His service to country and the tremendous efforts he has put towards this airport are the catalyst to this significant renaming,” said Jeff Smith, President Breezy Point Airport at Muller Field. “Cliff has been the mainstay of this airport for two decades, we already knew it was Muller field, we just needed to make it official”
Not since O’Hare airport was renamed in 1949 after Butch O’Hare a WWII veteran, has an airport been named after a military serviceman.
“I am honored and totally surprised at this honor, I appreciate it and know that it couldn’t’ have been possible without the communities support over the past years,” said Cliff Muller.
Breezy Point Airport has a rich 55-year history. Farmland purchased in 1965 by the Breezy Point Resort eventually became a unique part of Breezy Point, Minnesota when it was developed into a strip of farm land that became a 2,600-foot lighted airstrip. Today marked the fifth annual Airport Days at Breezy Point where hundreds of people enjoyed an airshow, aircraft displays, emergency vehicle and medi-Vac helicopter, car collector show and more.
This article was written by Ken Stevens and can be found on the State Aviation Journal website.
Breezy Point: Airport renamed to honor Muller; nearly 1,000 attend air show
The first weekend in May marked yet another successful Aviation Days in Breezy Point, but a surprise announcement by airport president Jeff Smith marked a historic change for the location.
Midway through the fifth annual event Saturday, May 4, Smith announced that the airport has officially been renamed Breezy Point Airport at Muller Field, in honor of longtime airport manager Cliff Muller.
Not informed before the event, Muller was “honored and totally surprised” by the announcement, and he thanked the community for its support.
“It is very rewarding,” Muller said. “It was a complete surprise. It’s just nice to see aviation in the area kept alive.”
This marks the first time since 1949 that an airport was named in honor of a military serviceman, a news release from the airport said. Muller served in Vietnam as an airborne infantryman. An airport was last named after a military serviceman when Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport was renamed in 1949 after Butch O’Hare, a World War II veteran, the release said.
Muller has lived on the Breezy Point field for 20 years, caring for and managing the field. A Vietnam veteran from the 1/12th Cavalry of the Army, a Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Air Medal recipient, Muller was drawn to Breezy Point and the airport through his love for flying and dedication to the industry, the news release said.
He currently lives on the airport’s edges in a refurbished hangar and spends his time tending to the property while fueling his love for aviation. An historian of military plans and memorabilia, Muller has refurbished a World War II Stinson 10-A airplane called a L-9B that was built in 1941 and then rebuilt in 2011.
“His service to country and the tremendous efforts he has put towards this airport are the catalyst to this significant renaming,” Smith said in the news release. “Cliff has been the mainstay of this airport for two decades. We already knew it was Muller Field, we just needed to make it official.”
The aviation event itself saw nearly 50 aircraft stop in at the airport and roughly 1,000 spectators in attendance.
“I fed 940 people, so it must have been around 1,000. It was a great day,” Muller said. “The weather was perfect. It was a little windy in the afternoon on the north end (of the runway), but otherwise everything went OK. It was a lot of fun.”
Muller said the number of attendees is higher than most years, but the number of planes coming in decreased a bit. He chalked that up to foggy conditions in the morning that may have convinced pilots to stay on the ground for the day.
The newly named airport was farmland 55 years ago, purchased by Breezy Point Resort and developed into a 2,600-foot lighted airstrip. The airport is now the property of Breezy Point Airport, Inc.
This article was written by Daniel J. Determan and can be found on the PineandLakes Echo Journal website.
Five Revolutionary Aircraft
Take a look at these five aircraft:
- Icon A5
- Aeromobil
- EHang
- Cobalt Valkyrie
- Airbus E-Fan
Twin Cities-based Air Tour
By Ashley Stewart of the Owatonna People’s Press
Nearly 40 single-engine airplanes landed at Owatonna Degner Regional Airport late Saturday morning as part of the annual Flying Cloud Air Tour.
The tour — in its 13th year — is the brain child of Ben McKillan, who has been a professional pilot since 2001.
“It’s just something fun to do as a group of pilots, and it’s an opportunity to show them all the neat places they can go [with their planes],” he said.
McKillan started the air tour in 2004 while he was working as a flight instructor at Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie to get people out and flying with stops in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin.
The first tour involved stops in East Gull Lake and Duluth as well as Madeline Island and Cable Union in Wisconsin.
“We started with 10 people, students I had, and within three or four years, it had grown,” he said.
Since then, the tour has included stops at Breezy Point, Voyager Village, Granite Falls, Winona, Faribault and Springfield and drawn an average of 30 aircraft and 80 people each year with the exception of weather cancellations in 2006, 2007 and 2011, McKillan said.
Read the full story at the Owatonna People’s Press website.
Airport Commission: New Business Coming in for Landing
By Spenser Bickett of the Brainerd Dispatch
Seconds count when it comes to transporting patients via aircraft from a crash or a hospital to much-needed medical care.
A company with plans to locate at the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport hopes its presence will help lower those response times.
Thursday, Kolby Kolbet, vice president of clinical services with Life Link III, told the Airport Commission the aviation medical transport company is expanding and wants to put a base at the airport.
Life Link III recently determined the Brainerd lakes area needed another medical aircraft provider, Kolbet said, despite the presence of North Memorial Air Care at the airport. Crow Wing County is growing rapidly, he said, and also has a rapidly aging population.
The Bemidji Regional Airport has two air medical transport companies, Kolbet said, so Life Link III and North Memorial Air Care will be able to coexist in Brainerd. Mike Arnold, who works as a first responder in the area, said it’s common to respond to an accident in the Aitkin area and not be able to get North Memorial Air Care to respond, because the aircraft is out on another call.
“As someone that uses the service, I don’t see a problem having two helicopters in the area,” Arnold said.
The company wants to have a base up and running by May, Kolbet said, but would be ready to operate as soon as February if a suitable building is found. The base will employ five full-time nurses, five full-time paramedics, four full-time pilots and two full-time mechanics, for a total of 16 employees.
Read the full story at the Brainerd Dispatch website.
Breezy Point Aviation Days 2016
By: Dan Determan of the Pine Lakes Echo Journal
Residents and visitors attended the Breezy Point Airport’s annual Aviation Days celebration on Saturday, May 7.
Dozens of airplanes and a North Memorial helicopter landed at the airport for the crowd and were parked for display purposes. Many of them departed and landed and put on a show for the anticipated 1,000 people in attendance.
In addition, a car show of more than 60 vehicles was on location, and food was served for the crowd at no charge. Prizes were awarded to the top plane and top car.
See more photos and read the full story at the Pine Lakes Echo Journal website.
Mathisen Flies Restored 1954 Beaver

By: Steve Kohls of the Brainerd Dispatch
Mark Mathisen considers himself a lucky man. His dad was a flight instructor and his mom was very supportive of his flying. He soloed in 1966 and received his private license when he was 16, certified on both wheels and floats. That was the beginning of a 45-year career that included a 17-year stint in Alaska as a bush pilot.
The love of flying and flight instruction has taken him to Asia, Europe and Australia, where he taught fire tanker pilots. He has done checkouts in turbine float planes in the Maldive Islands, Europe, China and Canada.
Recently, Mathisen finished checking out a group of Japanese pilots in the Quest Kodiak on carbon fiber Aerocet floats.
With over 14,000 hours of float flying, the new breed of float planes like the Quest Kodiak have out performed and are replacing traditional radial engine planes like the de Havilland Beaver.
Read the rest of this article at the Brainerd Dispatch website.
Airport Manager Keeps Eye on Sky
By: Dan Determan of the PineandLakes Echo Journal
The Breezy Point Airport has been at the city’s center since the early 1920s, but for the last 14 years it has thrived, thanks in part to airport manager Cliff Muller.
The Roseville native moved to the area in 2001 after retiring from careers as a carpenter and restaurant owner, which gave him more time to focus on his passion for flying.
“There was something about the magic of flying way back when I was a kid,” Muller said. “I think we all ran around with our arms out, jumping off of things. I think it is something in human nature where we are drawn to water and we like the excitement of flying.”
His fascination with flight continued when he served in Vietnam as an airborne infantryman.
“I was one of the guys that jumped out (of airplanes),” he said.
Shortly after returning home from Vietnam, Muller earned his pilot’s license.
Now he lives in a repurposed airplane hangar on Airport Drive in Breezy Point. Doing so allows him to be a staircase away from his work, which includes a 1941 Stinson 10A single-engine plane that he spent five years rebuilding in his free time.
Read the rest of this article at the PineandLakes Echo Journal website.
Members Attend National Championship Air Races
For the past seven years, multiple members of Breezy Point Airport have traveled to Reno, Nevada for the National Championship Air Races as members of the Sawbones Maximum Air Racing team. The team has done well over the years placing 7th in the 2013 gold heat and 4th in the 2014 gold heat. Over 100,000 fans come out each day of the races to watch the incredible pilots and aircraft race at low levels and high speeds around pylons.